1 The seven starred Big Dipper, due north up high in sight:
2 ‘Tis the sword of General Geshu, in vigilance all night.
3 To date, them herders on horseback, espy yet do not dare
4 To cross our Lintao border, in awe of Geshu Han’s might.
Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 譯者: 黃宏發
27th May 2017 (revised 28.5.17; 31.5.17; 1.6.17; 6.6.17; 7.6.17; 8.6.17)
Translated from the original – 西鄙人: 哥舒歌
1 北斗七星高
2 哥舒夜帶刀
3 至今窺牧馬
4 不敢過臨洮